Kindle app on the iPad

I have just synced my iPad and I saw that I had an update to the kindle application.  When looking at the details of the update, I was shocked to see that to comply with the "App Store" conditions they had to remove the button to go to the kindle store from within the application.

Now from what I understand you are not supposed to carry out in-app purchases, but the button before took you out of the application loaded safari and took you to the Kindle Store.  Now if you need to browse the kindle store you need to load Safari separately and navigate to the store via a bookmark or manually typing in the address, the link is (

In my opinion it seems petty for Apple to make Amazon remove the button from the application, users are still going to use the kindle app to purchase books etc.  By forcing them to carry out this manual step, it just gives some people out there who don't like Apple, more reasons because of issues like this, to me it just seems like Apple are flexing their muscles in this case.

I will still use Kindle/Amazon as the range is books is far greater and in many cases cheaper than the iBooks store.

I would love to know your thoughts

As always I am always interested in your thoughts so if you have any comments or feedback then please feel free to add any comments, or you can mail me  here.


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