Search 1Password from your browser on iOS

1Password 4I got this tip recently from Screencastsonline.  It's a way you can open a website so you can login to it via 1Password, you can also search in 1Password via your browser, for example if you wanted your Card details, you can search them from the browser.

Like my previous tip about Downloading direct to your iPad via Goodreader on your iOS devices, this works in a similar way.

To use this it's the same principal, if you have an address like, if you place op in front of the address so it would be op, it will open the website in the 1Password browser, so from there you can press one button and you will be logged in with your saved credentials

You can also search your one password system, in the address bar you could type


Then it will load 1Password and show you all the logins, Wallet items, notes etc which contains the word barclaycard.

This has a downside of once you have logged in then you then have to continue to use the page from within 1Password, but if you use the application to generate and store your passwords then it may just be useful to you.

I am always interested in feedback so please feel free to add any comments, or you can mail me  here.  If you would like to submit a quick tip  with full credit and links back to your site then also feel free to contact me. 

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