iCloud location for Pythonista on your Mac

Following on from my last post about the iCloud location on your iOS device for Pythonista, I have decided to list out the location of where it will be on your Mac. This may help you out to use this from the terminal.

~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/iCloud~com~omz-software~Pythonista3/Documents/

I have a number of functions in my terminal session that I can copy files and sync them up from a master, for me I sync my main sqlite database on to Pythonista.

The ~ you see at the start means your home drive, your could the full path, which would be something like /Users/yourname/Library/Mobile\ Documents/iCloud~com~omz-software~Pythonista3/Documents/

Notion wouldn't get past the login page

iCloud location for Pythonista