iCloud location for Pythonista

For a short while now the main script I use to sync between iOS and my main computer (Synchronator) has stopped working because of the changes to the ssl version with Dropbox. I need to get this looked into and sorted but for now I will get around it by syncing over to iCloud.

Recently another snippet of code I have and use to send SMS messages to my karate club stopped working and this was because of a recent password change. It changed the hash that i use. As I use this hash in quite a number of scripts I needed to make an improvement to the scripts so that I can minimise the effort needed for when the hash changes. I decided to store the hash in a file and read from that, so now if I ever change it I just need to update one location. This was all done with adding two simple lines of code.

  with open("/private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~com~omz-software~Pythonista3/Documents/hash.txt", "r") as f:
       HASH = f.read()

I have put the code I used above, this also has the path to the iClpud Drive folder from within Pythonista, I have also listed it out here.

/private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~com~omz-software~Pythonista3/Documents/

So if you do need to share files across from your Mac to your iOS devices, you just need to place them into here.

iCloud location for Pythonista on your Mac

Nice piece of history - Amstrad CPC464