Microsoft making a very bold pledge

So tail end of last week, the biggest software company ever had said they will Carbon Negative in just 10 years, so by 2030 they will be carbon negative, and by 2050 it would of removed more carbon than it has emitted in all it’s history.

I can’t think how they would of measured how much they may of emitted in their whole history, but this is a very big pledge.

They themselves have called this a “moonshot”, they have also said that some of the tools they need don’t exist yet, making this a bigger challenge.

Who will be the next big tech company to come out and say something similar, thinking especially if these tools don’t exist, this will take collaboration and a lot of money, so can’t think this will be a solo effort. Until that happens I suppose they will be running what they can on renewable energy and start to plant a serious amount of trees.

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