Manual data point for Beeminder when IFTTT integration stopped

I have created a post before about how I use Beeminder to stay on track and write posts. I get a reminder on my iPad when a post is due. I do sometimes still forget or genuinely run out of time to craft and publish a post.

Because the data automatically comes from IFTTT, I can't add a data point from the website or the app. There has been occasions in the past for many reasons that are out of my control, I have published a blank post to add the data point and I don't get fined, however if I have been lazy and procrastinating then I have paid the fine, which sucks to be honest.

Last week I had the Notice that a post was needed by midnight, I had one queued up so I published that and went about my business for the day. However through the day I kept getting reminders about a post was needed by midnight. I had not spotted my email to say that this was offline. The link between IFTTT and Beeminder had broke, so I had published the post and it has not received the update.

I was looking to see if there are other ways, there is always another way and luckily I found this, I didn't want to put up another blank post.

Beeminder has a bot you can email, the details are below, you just need to know the name of the data point. This is easy to see in Beeminder

You email On the subject line you put in your data point name, so for example


Then in the body of the email, you can place in this data point

2021 08 17 1 “Post was published but IFTTT offline”

Hope this helps you out, you never know you could always write your own automation to track point in Beeminder.

Hacking for the greater good

Hacking for the greater good

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