Blitz the Boredom without Breaking the Bank

Picture the scene! It’s your day off, funds are low, the weather is so bad you wouldn’t be entirely surprised to see an old man float by your bedroom window in a boat full of animals, and you’re at a loose end.

Boredom sets in.

Your home feels like a prison and the walls feel like they get a little closer together every time you blink. Sure, there are plenty of things you could do, but going out in that deluge and if you’re entirely honest you’re not sure your bank account could take the strain either.

But wait, you always have your phone!

Smartphones can be used for so much more than perusing shared images of what your loved ones had for breakfast. It can be your passport to a world beyond your slowly shrinking room.

Here are some ways you can break the boredom for little or no money that you might not have expected…

Learn a martial art

You probably knew about the host of running, aerobics and yoga apps out there but did you know that there are apps that can also turn you into a lean, mean fighting machine?

You don’t need a state-of-the-art gym with punch bags, kettle bells and machines stuffed with high protein snacks to become a part time pugilist.

Image source

The martial arts guy has a handy guide to the best martial arts apps that will give you a grounding in such arts as:

  • Boxing

  • Karate

  • Taekwondo

  • Tai chi

  • MMA

  • And even Brazilian jiu jitsu

So download and get shadowboxing…. Just try not to break anything.

Turn your crib into a casino

Feeling lucky? Why not try turning your financial situation around with a responsible flutter. Most gaming apps will want to cross your palm with some introductory credit but we’ve allied with mobile slots to get a whole heap of discounts and free spins at a variety of online casinos.

Whatever your game, be it roulette, blackjack or just a whirl on the slots you can have fun and potentially make a little money, and since we’ve thrown in a little extra discount all that remains is to put on your tuxedo and pour yourself a vodka martini.

Discover Indie Games

Mobile games have come a LONG way since Snake!

The past decade has seen an exponential rise in the production of intelligent, inventive beautifully produced and downright addictive games that have been ported to and optimised for mobile platforms. Indie games are usually fun and enjoyable, easy to pick up but hard to master. They tend to be less cinematic than their AAA counterparts but are still charming and richly immersive. Some of our favourites include:

Or, if you’ve ever wanted to replicate the sheer thrill ride of being a border inspector, we recommend the dystopian Papers Please.

Start a blog

Blogging is a great way to share your voice with the world, exercise your mind and engage with a community of like-minded writers who are passionate about the same subjects as you.

If you get really good at it, there’s money to be made too!


Image via Pixabay


The best blogging platforms such as Wordpress and Blogger are available on iOS and android and you can engage with your prospective audience by sharing your posts on social media.




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