My scripts and snippets on Github

GithubI have started a few repositories on Github to store all of my scripts/snippets etc.  I still have to upload a lot of my oracle scripts and a few snippets.

I am hoping to have them all uploaded and documented over the next couple of weeks.  In the meantime I have uploaded several scripts.

Each section has a README file which contains a description of the scripts that I have written/acquired.

Please note I do NOT consider myself a programmer, I have created these little programs as experiments to have a play with the language, or to solve a problem for myself.  I would gladly accept pointers from others to improve the code and make it more efficient, or simplify the code.  If you would like to offer any improvements then please email me at

Currently there are repositories for

  • Shell Scripts
  • Python
  • Perl
  • Oracle
  • Batch
  • Autoit
  • Snippets

Feel free to go the repositories to have a look.

I am always interested in your thoughts so if you have any comments or feedback then please feel free to add any comments, or you can mail me  here.

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