Escaping or ignoring a forward slash in vi

I was having to update some dates to change the format in a SQLite table, and when doing the replace, I thought this could be a useful tip and give a demonstration on how to do a global replace when some of the text contains /.

Below is the text and the code, I had already replace the first dates was is easy, however as there are / in the second date format you need to escape them first using a back slash \.

update tp_team_days set day = '2018-04-27' where day = '27/01/2018';
update tp_team_days set day = '2018-04-28' where day = '28/01/2018';
update tp_team_days set day = '2018-04-29' where day = '29/01/2018';
update tp_team_days set day = '2018-04-30' where day = '30/01/2018';
update tp_team_days set day = '2018-04-31' where day = '31/01/2018';


So with the command above, you can see how to use the escape so you can change /01/ to /04/.

At first when you do this is looks daunting, but after a few goes it seems easier.

If you need any more help or explanation, please feel free to get in touch.

I am always interested in feedback so please feel free to add any comments, or you can mail me  here.  If you would like to submit a quick tip  with full credit and links back to your site then also feel free to contact me.

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