Following on from last week’s post - Couple of lines of code for Saving money. Well I enhanced it and this morning I got my text with the first amount to save.
I received my text message this morning, first amount is £34. You can see the code below. I use TxtLocal to send the text messages. This is a paid service, it isn’t much at all I use the text for many other things, like an automated birthday SMS, plus I can easily send all the current members of a club I run with just changing the message in the script.
Please see the code below, I have changed my details.
import urllib import urllib2 from time import strftime import random lines = [] with open("/home/ec2-user/repo/python/money.txt") as file: lines = [line.strip() for line in file] for x in range(len(lines)): print lines[x], random_num = random.choice(lines) print random_num lines.remove(random_num) with open('/home/ec2-user/repo/python/money.txt', 'w') as f: for item in lines: f.write("%s\n" % item) TDATE = strftime("%d-%m") SNUMBER = '11111111111' MESSAGE = ('Amount to save is ' + random_num) USERNAME = '' SENDER = 'Auto Craig' HASH = 'Put your hash here from TxtLocal Account' NUMBERS = (SNUMBER) # Set flag to 1 to simulate sending, this saves credits while testing your code. # To send real message set this flag to 0 TEST_FLAG = 0 #----------------------------------- # No need to edit anything below this line #----------------------------------- VALUES = {'test' : TEST_FLAG, 'uname' : USERNAME, 'hash' : HASH, 'message' : MESSAGE, 'from' : SENDER, 'selectednums' : NUMBERS} URL = '' POSTDATA = urllib.urlencode(VALUES) REQ = urllib2.Request(URL, POSTDATA) print 'Attempting to send SMS to ' + SNUMBER + ' on ' + TDATE try: RESPONSE = urllib2.urlopen(REQ) RESPONSE_URL = RESPONSE.geturl() if RESPONSE_URL == URL: print 'SMS sent!' except urllib2.URLError, e: print 'Send failed!' print e.reason