On the BBC site earlier this week there was an article with a really attention grabbing headline. “UK’s internet use surges to new highs during lockdown”. This was hardly earth shattering news considering nearly every school kid in the country is being home schooled and everything is being over Google Classroom and the other variety apps where schoolwork is scheduled. Having four children and three different schools, there are several that we need to use.
Not to mention the increase in all the YouTube views, Netflix hours racked up and not to mention the huge spike in online gaming.
Most people that are in offices etc are also all working from home, so it would of spiked, with all the Zoom or Teams calls etc. It shows stats about the busiest sites, as you can imagine Tik Tok etc have seen a great spike.
Most of the shopping has also all been done online, before this pandemic no one would of recognised the delivery drivers from Amazon, DPD etc. But you see them so often down the streets now you get to wave and say hello.
What I would like to say is the throughput stats from some of the big internet service providers, I would be interested to see the increase from February until now.
I think from that data, you will also be able to see in the data when lockdown was lifted etc, I reckon over the last couple of weeks it would of dropped and start to trend down. As people are starting to venture out more.
Still not sure how we would of coped with this when we were growing up when the internet did not exist.